Friday, January 25, 2008

This Presidential Election is the Most Important One Since the Last One

We mean it this time, guys! We know that we, the Media, have been saying this during every presidential election since before you were born. And we meant it, every time! Every presidential election is somehow the most important of our lives. Eventually they will become so intense we will rip our collective arms off, and our heads will explode.

Whats this? You think that we, the Media, are guilty of hyping the importance of these elections to boost ratings? Are you really implying that we would compromise our journalistic integrity just to increase add revenue, that we would sell ourselves to the advertisers like cheap, crack-addled whores?

Maybe you're right. What are going to do about it? Turn off your TV? Not likely! You listen to us. You'll watch what we tell you to watch! Please! Don't walk away! Katie Couric will blow you for 5 bucks! For ten you can have Stone Phillips! Come back!

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